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Book a Private Session

We are here to support, listen, nurture and help guide you into a life path that feels more aligned, peaceful, freeing and authentically yours! 
Our time together is focused on the area(s) you feel most drawn to becoming more clear on in your life.  This may be work, relationships, or to one's own self
Our vision is to help lovingly and openly support your dreams. We do this through a variety of practices such as meditation, talk, trauma healing, yoga, energetic, and somatic practices.  There is no need to have any prior experience in any of these practices to work with us and you can book the one below that feels like it's calling to what your needs are during your stay with us.
We can see you for as many sessions as you'd like while you're staying with us at the retreats and welcome you back if you're local or offer virtual calls for ongoing support if you live further away.

We mostly wish for you to know that the healing journey you embark on can be one where you feel supported, loved and cared for along the path.  We're here to do just that.  Namaste.

Retreat Owner, Sex & Relationship Coach, Meditation Teacher,
Yoga, Sound Bowls, Personal Growth Coach

Epigenetics Coach, Men's Work, Shadow Work, Spirituality


Jon Doe


Tara is licensed as a meditation teacher and specializes in personal growth, sex and relationship coaching


She has received training in mindfulness, somatic sex coaching, tantra practices and conscious relationships.


Tara supports clients in identifying their needs, wants and desires in life. She also helps navigate an actionable plan to reach those spaces and experiences.


She works with both individuals and couples.


Tara strives to support her clients with love, compassion, non-judgment and kindness as they work together in
co-creating a space for healing and growth.



What are some other benefits of working with Tara?

  • Learn skills to become a master at mindful communication!

  • Open to feeling comfortable and shame-free in your own skin!

  • Practice feeling secure and authentic in your close relationships.

  • Develop the tools to enjoy pleasure-filled sex with your partner(s).

  • Learn to observe heavy emotions while finding deeper peace within.

  • Practice intimacy and closeness in ways that give you a new inner confidence.

  • Discover and master new tools to support you during transitional times in life such as divorce, job changes, family changes, illness, and in times of grief.


Jon Doe


Jeremy specializes in Men's Work, Shadow Work and Relating to God.  He is a licensed Apeiron Epigenetics Coach and has a Masters in Education. 


Jeremy takes a grounded, holistic approach that is trauma informed and focused on developing individual abilities and sovereignty. He works with a mind-body map to explore epigenetics and spiritual growth.



What are some other benefits of working with Jeremy?

  • Develop skills to become more grounded into the present moment.

  • Learn about healing past trauma and ways to step more into the pureness of your divine essence.

  • Explore spirituality and the spaces and modalities that can support a oneness with all.

  • Open your mind to the infinite nature of us all and the ways we can reach those heightened awareness spaces.

Session Time Request

If you don't see one of our session times that work for you, please request one below and we'll do our best to accommodate all requests.

Thanks for submitting!
Session Time
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